What Is A Breast Reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction, also known as reconstructive mammaplasty or postmastectomy surgery, includes a variety of procedures performed to restore the form and shape of the breast, following mastectomy or lumpectomy surgery. Factors such as individual anatomy, aesthetic goals and the need for any post-surgical chemotherapy or radiation will determine your options. Discussing your cancer surgery with a plastic surgeon before undergoing mastectomy is crucial, because the proposed cancer removal surgery may significantly affect the choices and the results of any type of breast reconstruction.

When To Consider Breast Reconstruction?

  • If you think reconstruction will give you a sense of psychological well-being or a feeling of “wholeness”
  • To help restore your feelings of femininity and confidence in your appearance
  • To improve symmetry if only one of your breasts is affected

How Is The Procedure Performed?

Dr. Joseph will tell you what your options are based on the specific physical characteristics of your breast (breast size, position of areola, uni or bilateral surgery), the type of cancer and your preferences.

The three basic options for breast reconstruction:

  • Using breast implants (saline or silicone).
  • Reconstructing the breast using your own skin, fat and muscle.
  • A combination of these methods.


How your scars look when fully healed depends on your age, genetics, the way your body heals, and how your incisions and underlying tissues are sewn together.

In all cases, make sure you take care of your scars by keeping them moist, massaging the scar line, and use a scar management product to smooth and flatten scars, making them less noticeable.

General anesthesia is commonly used during your breast reconstruction procedure.

It will take you approximately two weeks before you can return to your normal level of activity and work. After the surgery, you will receive detailed instructions about your post-surgical care, including information about normal symptoms you will experience and your recovery process.

The results of a breast reconstruction are permanent.

We Can Help You

Dr. Joseph Aboumoussa is an experienced, highly trained plastic and reconstructive surgeon whose techniques have gained acclaim from his patients all around France, Lebanon and the Middle East.

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