What Is A Breast Lift?

A breast lift, or mastopexy, addresses sagging and uneven breasts, decreased breast volume and drooping nipples and stretched areolas (the darker area surrounding the nipples), recreating a youthful shape and lift to your breasts. If there is too little or too much breast volume, a breast augmentation or breast reduction might be recommended in addition to a lift. Unlike breast augmentation, a breast lift focuses on altering the position and shape of the breasts, rather than just improving fullness and volume

Achieved With A Breast Lift

A breast lift can be beneficial if you have a significant degree of sagging in your breasts and your nipples are at or below the breast fold. Typically, these conditions occur because of pregnancy, nursing, gravity, weight gain or loss, normal aging, or heredity.

The breast lift:

  • Improves breast shape, projection, and symmetry;
  • Restores a firm breast appearance and helps ensure long-lasting results
  • Can create a more balanced physique and a more youthful appearance;
  • Can help restore the look of your pre-pregnancy breasts


These vary according to the type of incision Dr. Aboumoussa suggests for you. Dr. Joseph can conceal some incision lines in natural breast contours, but others will be visible on the breast surface.

A common method of lifting the breasts involves three incisions:

  • Around the areolas;
  • Extending downward from the areolas to the breast creases;
  • Horizontally along the breast creases


Although incision lines are permanent, in most cases they will fade and significantly improve over time. Dr. Aboumoussa makes every effort to place scars in hidden areas and minimize them, with the goal of achieving the desired results with the shortest possible scar.

Different techniques for removing breast skin and reshaping the breast determine the location of the incisions and resulting scars. Your surgeon will select a technique based on your breast size and shape, areola size and position, degree of breast sagging, skin quality and elasticity and how much extra skin you have.

If you feel your breasts are too large or too small, Dr. Joseph may recommend a breast reduction or augmentation instead of a breast lift.

It will take you approximately 10 to 15 days before you can return to your normal level of activity and work. After the surgery, you will receive detailed instructions about your post-surgical care, including information about normal symptoms you will experience and your recovery process.

Dr. Aboumoussa will consult with you to determine the best method of keeping you comfortable during your breast lift surgery. This may include intravenous sedation (assisted local anesthesia) or general anesthesia.

If a breast lift is performed properly, your breasts should not return to their pre-operative droop for decades, assuming you don’t have significant weight fluctuations or go through pregnancy. Some settling may occur, but the new nipple position should remain intact.

Some patients decide to also undergo an abdominoplasty at the same time as the breast lift but other additional procedures can also be considered like a breast reduction, an arm lift, or a liposuction.

A breast lift can usually be performed around six months after pregnancy occurs.

We Can Help You

Dr. Joseph Aboumoussa is an experienced, highly trained plastic and reconstructive surgeon whose techniques have gained acclaim from his patients all around France, Lebanon and the Middle East.