Time, gravity, sun exposure and heredity are all factors that cause the skin and tissues of the face and neck to sag and wrinkle. Facelift surgery, also known as “rhytidectomy,” removes excess skin and tightens underlying tissues and muscle on the face and neck, hence improving signs of aging and making the skin on your face, chin and neck look smoother, firmer and fresher.


Diminished Fine Lines and Wrinkles

As the facial tissues are re-positioned and excess skin is removed, facelift surgery diminishes fine lines and wrinkles to achieve smooth, youthful skin. This procedure improves creases below the lower eyelids and wrinkles around the nose, mouth, and chin, such as “smile lines,” “marionette lines,” and “smoker’s lines.”

Tighter Skin

Facelift surgery eliminates sagging skin in the midface and neck to restore a more attractive appearance. Once the facial tissues are uplifted, the skin is re-draped over the new contours and excess skin is removed, leaving youthful-looking skin.

Improved Facial Contours

Fat often becomes displaced with age and may create jowls along the jawline and what appears to be a “double chin.” The facelift procedure removes or repositions these fat deposits and tightens the underlying muscles to produce more attractive and youthful facial structures.


Your genes, skin quality, and maintenance routine are important factors in the longevity of your facelift. However, a facelift can usually last for approximately 10 years or more.

A facelift can make you appear ten to fifteen years younger. It can recontour the neck and jawline better than any other technique.

You will likely see the final results of your facelift three months after the surgery.

Many patients decide to undergo this procedure as part of a multi-procedure process. It is very common for a facelift to incorporate a fat transfer from another area of the body to achieve the desired shape and volume. Facial implants or soft tissue augmentation can be used for similar effects. Also, many patients decide to undergo a blepharoplasty (or eyelid surgery) or a necklift at the same time as a facelift.

There are several approaches to rhytidectomy surgery. Dr. Aboumoussa will walk you through the different techniques during the consultation and recommend an approach based on your goals and facial characteristics, including the shape of your face. The placement and length of incisions vary, depending on the facelift technique that best suits you.

Today, many different techniques exist with outcomes that can be consistently reliable, safe, and durable. Your incisions will depend on the area of the face that is targeted and the amount of change you want. Regardless of the type of facelift you undergo, you will have incisions that involve the skin around your ear. Facelift scars can be virtually invisible: narrow, flat, and well placed behind the ear so you can wear your hair close-cropped.

Dr. Aboumoussa will place the incision in areas that are hidden and in areas where the scars look like natural wrinkles (close to the hairline). Incision healing depends on surgical technique, infection prevention, reduction of tension, your nutrition, any known or unknown underlying medical conditions, no smoking, and your genetic tendencies.

Dr. Joseph will discuss how long it will be before you can return to your normal level of activity and work. After surgery, you will receive detailed instructions about your post-surgical care, including information about normal symptoms you will experience and your recovery process.

Assisted local anesthesia is recommended for this surgery.

We Can Help You

Dr. Joseph Aboumoussa is an experienced, highly trained plastic and reconstructive surgeon whose techniques have gained acclaim from his patients all around France, Lebanon and the Middle East.